How to create a fake Gmail Account with Password 2021

Most people only have one or two email accounts. Whatever platform you use for email, you need a phone number. A single phone number can be used to connect up to five email addresses. Did you know you can have up to 5 email accounts using the same number of your phone? So, let's take a closer look at How to make a fake Gmail account fast and free

The entry of the phone number can be an extremely difficult task to complete when creating an email account. Moreover, as one phone number, if limited to 5 accounts, you cannot make more accounts in the event that you don't have a second phone number. Gmail accounts are created without the use of an email generator. It is not necessary to provide a phone number or OTP number, or even confirmation. It's simple and only requires your Android phone. Here's how to make fake Gmail accounts with the help of your phone.

Step 1 - Open Gmail App

Begin by opening the Gmail application on your phone. Creating this account is best by using your mobile data so you will not be blocked.

Step 2: Click the Menu

Start Gmail and locate the menu button with three stripes symbol. Select Menu, and then the Add Account section will be displayed on the screen.

Step 3 - Select Google

When you click on "Add account", three options will appear. These include Google, personal, or exchange to set email configuration. Select Google to sign up for Gmail.

Step 4: Checking Info

The site will redirect to the Checking Info Page and you'll be able to access the Create A Google Account page. Fill in the required details and then click on next to continue.

Step 5: Skipping Step 5: Skipping

Next, Google will ask you to provide a phone number, but you do not need to provide the required number. Instead, you can click the skip button. This allows you to create an untrue Gmail address with a password and a confirmation code, but without OTP or confirmation number.

This trick can only be done only on the Android smartphone, not on a computer or laptop. After you have created the fake Gmail address, you are able to use it as regular Gmail however, using a phone #.

Fake Gmail Account: Advantages

You may be wondering about the benefits of this method. You will not receive messages from spammers such as newsletters or a free sample. Instead, they will directly go to junk on your email. Additionally, this fake Gmail account can help you keep your privacy. You might not be aware, but email address which is linked to actual data can be sold.

Disposable Gmail Address

A false Gmail account could be made using your smartphone. You can create a fake Gmail account that is not traceable. Mailinator MaskMe, Mailinator and 10 Minute Mail are some of the most effective generators to create an unusable Gmail account.

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